Cheeky M&S!

Can you believe it? Just as I posted my last blog post, Marks and Spencer have released an amazing food ad following the theme of Magic and Sparkle. We still feature the fairies “festive kindness” but now it is welcomed as they magic up the most fantastic banquet of delicious M&S christmas food products. We are welcomed with a G & Tea cocktail mix being seductively poured over a glass of ice, which then moves on to a serious seafood platter with a drop of sauce dripping from the edge. Are we incorporating a bit of your latest “food porn” ad here? We end with the best part, PUDDING, showcasing new ‘food to order’ products such as the “5 Gold Rings Praline Brownie Cake” which I believe, is to die for.

Well I am pleasantly surprised, and I must admit the campaign has gone up in my books. However is it going to beat Monty the Penguin? Probably not.

Nice save M&S!

TV Ad:

Screen Shot 2014-11-13 at 00.32.16

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